
Trying to make a 3d landscape model or 3d garden model? Anxious about modeling irregular landscape features manually from scratch? We can help! In this article you will find three good methods to make a world class 3d landscape or 3d garden model you can be proud of.  

3d landscape modeling method

3ds Max has a tool called Terrain. This allows you to make any type of 3d landscape model based on a topographic map (height map) with isolines. You can also use this method for other types of rendering models. It’s a very cool multipurpose modeling tool.

To make a 3d landscape model or a 3d garden model we will need a height map (image 1). We will use it as a reference in 3ds Max on a plane to make a 3d landscape model or 3d garden model.

First, check the dimensions of the image: just right-click on the image and go to Properties, where you can find the landscape model’s dimensions in the Details tab.

height map1

Now, if you already have your 3ds Max landscape model file open, create the plane and type in the dimensions you just checked. You don’t need any width and length segments, so set both to 1.

Next, drag the 3d landscape or 3d garden model image and drop it on the Plane you created. If the 3d landscape model image does not appear, make sure you have changed your view to Default Shading, and that the Real-World Map Size in the Plane is not checked.

3d garden model

You can use this image to create contour lines with splines to make your 3d landscape model or 3d garden model. To do this, change your view to TOP and use the Line tool (with Corner and Bezier options selected) to create the outlines of your 3d landscape or 3d garden model.

To create curved splines in your 3d landscape model, left click in the viewport to start drawing the line. Hold your left click to bend segments of the spline. Now click on the first vertex of the spline. Done? Cool. Now select Yes when asked if you want to close the spline in the popping window.

This is how you can create the contours in your model. It’s a vital 1st step in learning how to make a 3d landscape model or how to make a 3d garden model, or how to make any irregular terrain model.

3d garden or landscape model

Relax! …You can always fix your spline later if you didn’t draw it precisely at first. To fix later, select the spline, go to Modify tab, and use Vertex Selection. If you select any of the vertices you will see yellow lines with green dots at the ends. Use them to adjust the spline in your 3d landscape model.

perspective view

Splines ready? Nice! Now you can start actually making your 3d landscape or 3d garden model. First, go to Perspective view and select the outer line. You must copy it to create the ground base. To copy it, use Scale Tool and with pressed Shift, enlarge the spline. In the popping window press Copy and OK. This spline is going to be your 0 point: the basis of your 3d landscape or 3d garden model.

move tool

Now you must raise all the splines to the correct height. To do this, choose the Move Tool. Select the first line you want to raise. Enter the correct height value in the Z coordinate at the bottom of the 3ds Max page. Repeat this step for each of the splines in your 3d landscape or 3d garden model.

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You can now delete the image because you don’t need it (just select and delete).

Is the 3d landscape too ‘pointy’? Let’s fix that. Select all the lines you created and scale them in the XY axis. This will make the slopes in your 3d landscape gentler. Looks better, right?

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When the contour lines are ready, you can start to make your 3d landscape or 3d garden model. Let’s go! First, select the Spline at the top. Then go to Compound Objects and select Terrain Tool. In the Terrain Tool choose Pick Operand.

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As you see, Terrain is quite a basic tool that creates a fairly primitive mesh. Don’t worry. You can smooth your 3d landscape model or 3d garden model mesh later with TurboSmooth. To do that, go to Modify tab. Choose TurboSmooth from the Modifier list. Make sure it’s placed above the Terrain. Now use Iterations to compact the mesh and smooth your 3d landscape model. A value of 2 or 3 for Iteration is usually enough to smooth the 3d landscape terrain. Looks good, right?

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Your 3d landscape or 3d garden model is now ready!

Why not have some fun with it? You can convert it to Editable Poly if you want to play with your 3d landscape. Maybe add ground materials or vegetation to it, or creating a building on it. Enjoy!

Manual Push and Pull method

You can make a superb 3d landscape model or 3d garden model using the basic Push and Pull tools. To do this, create a basic plane for your 3d landscape, and add segments. Segments are vital: a high polygon count will make your 3d landscape model smoother. Use your intuition and lifelong experience of reality. And/or maybe go out and take some photographs as references. Real landscape and gardens are a rich blend of smoothness and irregularity, right? To make a good 3d landscape or 3d garden model, merge reality and your imagination to make something amazing!

To make a pro quality 3d landscape model or 3d garden model using Push and Pull tools, first create a plane with segment values as large as 100 width and 100 height. Then convert to poly by right clicking and selecting ‘convert to poly’.

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Now find a sub menu on the right side of the 3d Max window called Paint Deformation. There, select the Push and Pull option. The 3d landscape model or 3d garden model can be varied by using left click. You can also regulate size and strength or the Push and Pull brush in this way.

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Colour gradient method

When making 3d landscape models, the colour gradient method is ideal for big urban projects. In this landscape rendering mode, colour steps represent different heights of your 3d landscape model.

You can use terrain screens to make your 3d landscape here: https://heightmap.skydark.pl/

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Click on a region you would like to download – maybe your homeland, or somewhere amazing you want to go. Open the advanced menu. Here, you can select Map Size, Base Height Level and Height Scale, and more. You can use the Calculator Icon (near the Height Scale map) to align your height map with the location. Click Refresh, then download your map by clicking the Download PNG height map icon. Now you are ready to use terrain screens as part of making a 3d landscape model.

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Now you have a gradient map of the selected location, you can start to make the 3d landscape model. In 3ds Max, create a huge square plane with, say, 1000 height and 1000 base values. Think big! Then drag and drop your downloaded map to the Map slot. Add arbitrary water depth and other flow values. Amazing! Now you can make any type of 3d landscape model!

So those are three excellent methods that you can soon master to make a world class 3d landscape or 3d garden model, or other terrain model. More VizAcademy top tips to follow. Watch this space!

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