Set up an account now. Access FREE 3D VizAcademy® assets!

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Free tutorials

360 panoramas creation; 3D projections; first 3ds Max installation and settings; parametric façade creation… These and many other tutorials can be found on our VizAcademy® platform. Just set up a free account to access to them…

Free textures

You will gain access to a FREE database of copyrighted textures, which will enable you to render a range of interiors.

Our texture collection includes marble, wood, concrete, textiles, brick, and others.

Free 3D models

Set up an account on the VizAcademy® platform, where you will also gain access to our free database of copyrighted high-quality 3D models ready for rendering.

Create a free account

And get tutorials, models and textures now!

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Who VizAcademy is for

VizAcademy® is intended for everybody who wants to learn how to create visualisations of interior spaces, buildings or products.

You don’t need prior knowledge of 3D rendering software. Most of our alumni started learning from scratch.

You can find the results of our training in our social media: Link. There, you will find folio of students who had no prior knowledge of 3ds Max, and only basic experience of the app.

Will I receive an Autodesk certificate?

Yes. Upon completing the specified VizAcademy® training, you will receive two valuable certifications. Firstly, an official Autodesk certificate that is recognized internationally and will aid in your job search.

Additionally, you will obtain a coveted VizAcademy® course certificate and have a portfolio featuring up to seven photorealistic visualizations.

Free software

As our student, you’ll have access to 3ds Max and other Autodesk products, such as Revit and AutoCAD, absolutely free during your training. Additionally, participation in VizAcademy training grants you a 90% discount on the rendering software, Corona Renderer.

Do I need to know English well?

No. VizAcademy students are diverse. Many are not native English speakers. It doesn’t matter. We make sure everyone can understand. Support from trainers is provided in English via text (with the option to translate the chat), and live conferences as well as recordings have translations available in 20 languages:

English (en)
Arabic (ar)
Chinese (zh)
Croatian (hr)
Danish (da)
Finnish (fi)
French (fr)
German (de)
Greek (el)
Hindi (hi)
Hungarian (hu)
Indonesian (id)
Italian (it)
Japanese (ja)
Korean (ko)
Norwegian (nb)
Portuguese (pt)
Spanish (es)
Swedish (sv)
Turkish (tr)

What will I learn?

In seven weeks you will learn how to create pro-quality interior space and architectural visualisations.

You will learn modelling, illumination, materials, post-production, and other related rendering specialisations. We’ll teach you how to make your visualisations look like professional photographs.

Check the detailed Training Programme here: Link

What is VizAcademy?

VizAcademy® is a professional online school. We teach students how to create photorealistic visualisations in 3ds Max according to a specifically prepared, copyrighted curriculum, which yields excellent results in just seven weeks.

VizAcademy School is run by certified and highly experienced 3D graphics tutors.

See our 3ds Max portfolio

We provide training in Poland, Germany and Great Britain.

Where the classes take place

We teach entirely online. So no commuting. So no travel costs and associated hassle.

The course can be attended at our copyrighted platform VizAcademy®.

It is based on four elements: thrice weekly online conferences in real time; daily work with individual certified tutors; professional tutorials; and tasks prepared specifically for you.

Check the details here: Link